Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Yarn Along

~ Two of my favourite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading?  ~ joining Ginny from Small Things

Old Project: February Lady Sweater ( I am actually finishing - just one sleeve...)

New Projects: a pair of socks and some new Sweater fo me

Some of the reading I am doing right now...I am reading a lot now...


  1. Love the blue!
    And the new project in purple!
    Looking forward to see your February Lady Sweater.

  2. wahnsinn! so weit bist du schon!!!!! meine ärmel sind noch meilenweit entfernt vom fertigwerden ;-)
    alles liebe. maria
