Friday, April 27, 2012

indoor and outdoor

Actually it is Friday and I should take part on  this moment, but... it is really the first time when I have no such photo to show. I have plenty of nice photos from the last week, but none of them is really special.

Instead I want to show some other things that were happening at our home last week. It was a very rainy week, I did not feel well and neither my little son. So we were most of the time inside, in our kitchen and at our balcony. I decided not to do anything more in garden.... I just have any Idea what to do with all these weeds. I have grabbed it all and was sure to weeded it all last season but NO!!!! It is back and it is everywhere! So I gave up!
No I have some tomatoes, one paprika, herbs and maybe some strawberries and flowers in some pots on my balcony. It looks nice and I hope it will all grow better! I do not have to weed any more. If only I were sure to stay here longer I would build some beds is easier that way. And I can take my pots with me.
It feels really nice to have my own little garden...


I want to say big THANK YOU to Frau Kirchkernzeit for her recipe! Bärlauch Pesto is wonderful!
I would like to dedicate her the last photo....something about chaos....


  1. ich mag kleine, feine Gärten. Ich kann leider auch nur bei uns auf dem Balkon pflanzen und ein bisschen neben unserem Hauseingang, da hab ich jetzt einfach gaaaaanz viel Minze gepflanzt und Ringelblumen. Mal sehen...
    Ich habe gerade ein Rezept für Löwenzahnpesto gefunden, das muss ich mal ausprobieren, denn Bärlauch gibts hier bei uns nicht in der Nähe.
    Weißt du schon, dass ihr bald gehen müsst, oder wollt, oder kann es halt sein. Was habt ihr für Pläne?
    Liebe Grüße,

  2. Löwenzahn? Hmmm...klingt gut!
    Wir wollen umziehen wegen Nachbarschaft, aber in 2-3 Jahren werden wir näher am Polen ziehen wollen. Wir wollen näher an unseren Familien sein.
