Sunday, March 4, 2012

small wonders

My happiness is made of small things happiness is my new happiness that I missed so happiness that came happiness that I enjoy and value so much...
my happiness - my small wonders....

~  my very old sewing machine that still works...
~ things I can do for my children..

~ good food...

~ very colourful street ...

~ new scent in our bath..

~ small hands on my window...

~ chocolate hair...

~ branches...

~ colours...

~ a fact of not being alone any more....

1 comment:

  1. Martha, your happiness is my happiness :-) So much goodness here! I have that book too, about natural toys for kids (just a different edition with another cover) and I love it. I have always loved it, my mum bought it in the eighties and as a kid I made those toys for my sisters. Now I "inherited" the book and make stuff for my boy. Right now I started knitting very many sheep :-)
